Cautious Clay - KARPEH


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Throughout the album, Cautious Clay is equating his life's journey to an amalgamation of his family's past life experiences, an exploration of the present, and a universal truth that will help define his future choices.

He broke it out into 3 parts in the order of the tracklist: 

THE PAST EXPLAINED: My early life going up in Ohio + my family's past experiences being the cornerstone of what shaped me for better + worse. Themes of unwavering self-reliance, the "tides" of family/work-life balance, race, + cultural identity are throughout this section.

1. 102 years of comedy
2. Fishtown
3. Ohio (1st single)
4. Karpehs don't flinch
5. The Tide is my Witness
6. Take a Half (skit on taking psychedelic mushrooms)


THE HONEYMOON OF EXPLORATION: branching out from my past/family members before me embracing vices,

personal gratification, and deep self-reflection - different forms of intimacy, psychedelic drugs, + togetherness are a crucial part of this section.

7. Another Half (rolls into form skit)
8. Repeat Myself
9. Glass Face
10. Walls & a Roof
11. Unfinished House 

A BITTER & SWEET SOLITUDE: Learning how to be alone with my "thoughts" in order to be the healthiest version of myself when I am around friends, family, etc. No matter where I go in life, being alone is a beautiful + eternal truth.

There are themes of greed, death, + speaking for myself/my own needs. While this section lacks alot of lyrical content, sonically it is oscillating between heavier/aggressive and more soft/mellow sonic components.

12. Blue Lips
13. Tears of Fate
14. Yesterday's Price (very instrumental)
15. Moment's Stolen

Coke Bottle Clear Exclusive LP (exclusively available through the Blue Note and Artist Online Store, and select tour dates):

1. 102 years of comedy
2. Fishtown
3. Ohio (1st single)
4. Karpehs don't flinch
5. The Tide is my Witness
6. Take a Half (skit on taking psychedelic mushrooms)
7. Another Half (rolls into form skit)
8. Repeat Myself
9. Glass Face
10. Walls & a Roof
11. Unfinished House
12. Blue Lips
13. Tears of Fate
14. Yesterday's Price (very instrumental)
15. Moment's Stolen
16. Daring Is Caring (Bonus Track)

*bonus track is only available on the Coke Bottle Clear Exclusive LP

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